The gun lobby is now doubling down with this misguided mantra to support their extremist guns on campus agenda in Florida:

“The issue comes down to whether you support the right to carry on campus or whether you support rapists having free access to unarmed victims. It’s that simple.”

There was overwhelming opposition to identical campus carry bills that failed to make it to a floor vote earlier this year. But HB 4001 and SB 68 are the latest examples of gun lobby attempts to distort facts aimed at advancing their radicalized Guns Everywhere interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

The Campaign to Keep Guns off Campus believes that Florida’s higher education officials are most qualified to determine the safety requirements for their campuses, including restricting guns only to certified law enforcement officers. Data clearly shows that college campuses are much safer environments compared to their off-campus counterparts.1

We need your help to stop the gun lobby-backed bills that will allow loaded, concealed guns on all public campuses in Florida – anywhere – including dorms and mental health counseling centers.

Here’s how you can help!

SIGN OUR PETITION: Your opposition will be sent to Gov. Scott and your state representatives. In addition, as we did earlier this year, we will personally deliver copies of the petition to select elected officials.

Click here to sign >>

With your help, we’re going to work with our coalition partners to stop HB 4001/SB 68 – just like we did earlier this year.

Thanks for all you do.